We exist to partner with families and churches in the work of nurturing wise, virtuous and skilled students who will use their God-given abilities to bless people for the glory of Jesus Christ and the flourishing of South Oklahoma City.
– SPCS Mission.

Parent Involvement Day
This past Saturday was our fall Parent Involvement Day! We host our parents for these events twice a year, and it is such an incredible time for our community. Parents spend a little bit of time with their students in their classroom and get to know their teachers better. Then we meet together as a big group for a training. We had over 90% of our parents in attendance!!
Dr. Amy Allen, Director of Educational Development at The Academy of Classical Christian Studies, led our training time. She taught about child development in a classical context. She answered questions like, “How can I help my child develop at the preschool level? What should I reasonably be able to expect my child to be able to do? Why do we focus so much on memorization?”
We ALL learned so much, and the feedback from parents was wonderful. A few comments from parents: “It was a joy to see my daughter in her classroom!” “The content was so helpful!”
We say this all the time here at St. Paul’s, but we do not raise children, families raise children, and it is our desire to strengthen and encourage families in their calling.
The opportunities God gives us to connect and minister to mothers and fathers as we teach and train their children blesses us so much. When a mother feels she can better care for and nurture her child after one of these training, we praise God. When a father feels strengthened to lead his family we praise God. What a gift to be a part of this work!
The Feast of All Souls’/All Saints’ Day
Following Parent Involvement Day, we had another big family event on Tuesday when we came together to celebrate the Feast of All Souls’/All Saints’ Day. This important day in the church calendar gives us such a great opportunity to learn about the sainthood of all believers and about particular heroes of the faith who have gone before us!

Community Tours
Come see our students and teachers in action! We’d love to have you.Our next tours are November 11 and January 13, from 11-12. Email connect@spcsokc.org to let us know you are coming!
Upcoming Advent Luncheon

Our Advent Luncheon is a time for those who are involved with St. Paul’s to bring their community alongside and celebrate all that God is doing!
Thursday, December 2 from 11am-12pm
Contact lbeesley@spcsokc.org about attending or hosting a table