
Students_ 1st Picture

Five to Thrive

In each grade your child will learn the value of discipline, hard work, and joyful play. We teach students that God’s best for them is worth following, in order to help them understand the value of rules and obedience. These five class rules teach students that everyone can thrive when we put others above ourselves and courageously pursue truth in all things.


• I will be kinder today than yesterday.

• We will love one another.
• All tries are my best tries.
• I will obey right away.

• I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

FIVE to Thrive

In each grade your child will learn the value of discipline, hard work, and joyful play. We teach students that God’s best for them is worth following, in order to help them understand the value of rules and obedience. These five class rules teach students that everyone can thrive when we put others above ourselves and courageously pursue truth in all things.

• I will be kinder today than yesterday.

• We will love one another.
• All tries are my best tries.
• I will obey right away.

• I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

View the St. Paul's Student Handbook